Contact Craig McConnon

Contact Craig McConnon

If you are interested in booking Craig McConnon for your event, or simply want more information, then you are in the right place. You simply need to fill in the contact form below with your personal details, date and time of your event, type of event, location, and any other requirements. There is a section where you can add any further details - you may wish to enter further information about the type of event, number of people and budget here. Craig McConnon does encourage his clients to discuss their event with a team member before deciding if you do or don't want a specific ready made package as the majority of our clients prefer to tailor make their own. Don't worry - this doesn't mean this is a more expensive option all the time as you will often end up removing and swapping in items you actually require. Craig McConnon tries to remain competitive and we are happy to hear about any other quotes you have received if you would like us to.

Craig McConnon encourages you to try and enquire about your booking as soon as possible and confirm promptly due to high demand. Often he is booked up many months in advance and we would hate for your to be disappointed!

We try to respond to all website queries within 2-3 working days so please allow us this time to come back to you.

Understandably you may wish to speak to or meet Craig McConnon before confirming your booking and we will try our utmost to make this happen for you. The earlier you enquire, the easier this is for us as he is often away for other events or media coverage. If you are unable to confirm a mutually convenient time to meet him, we will always ensure a phone call is arranged - or even a video call if you prefer - so that you are fully satisfied before confirming a booking.


Craig McConnon
DJ / Owner

Contact Form

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