
What happens once you enquire about booking Craig McConnon?

About Us

Once you have decided you would like to enquire about booking Craig McConnon to DJ at your event, the next step is simple. Go to the contact page on our website and complete the online enquiry form. This will ask you to provide us with your name and contact details and details about your event. There is a free text box which gives you the opportunity to provide us with any further information so you can use this as you need.

Once you have submitted the form, Craig McConnon’s team will review your enquiry and come back to you within 72 hours. We ask that you allow us this time due to multiple enquiries coming through every day. We do aim to come back to you as soon as possible and very often this does happen on the same day. If for any reason you don't hear back within this time frame, please send another enquiry through.

You will usually receive a phone call from a member of Craig McConnon’s team to discuss your enquiry further. This normally involves a telephone conversation which can last anything up to half an hour. This allows us to collect more information about your needs and requirements and ask any questions so that we can fully understand what you are looking for. It is natural that you may want to speak to Craig McConnon at this point as it is important that you are comfortable with who you are booking. In most situations, particularly when you book well in advance, we are able to arrange a time for you to meet Craig McConnon to discuss your package further. Should we be unable to arrange this for you due to reasons such as a limited time frame or Craig McConnon being booked up elsewhere, we will always arrange a telephone or hide call with him for you so that you do have some direct contact.

Once you are happy to go ahead and confirm the date of your booking, we will endeavour to have a proposed package ready for you so that you can have a clearer idea of costings. We do recommend that you confirm the date ASAP and put down a deposit to hold the booking even if the package details aren't finalised as we can always work on these and make as many changes as you like (depending on availability of equipment) until your event.

We like to arrange for a member of Craig McConnon’s team to come and view the venue with you so that we can be sure your requirements are all met. Often the staff from the venue will require further information from us about our insurance and details about our equipment. Venues will often also have limitations on sound after a certain time and it is important that we are aware of these rules so that there is no problem on the actual day.

In the run up to your even, you are welcome to keep in touch with us as often as you need. You will have a delegated team member who will take care of your booking so that you always have a set point of contact. This is important for continuity and something that Craig McConnon ensures happens with every booking. This team member will then also be present at the event and be iPod point of contact on the day too. The aim is that they are fully able to coordinate the event without you to allow you to sit back and enjoy the event with your guests and without any undue stress!